19 June, 2007

Move out

I move most of my stuff to here....
http://blog.pixnet.net/xvictory Basically, there will be no more update.....
Thank you!

28 May, 2007

(Barry@Dallas) None

遠渡重洋 漂蕩異鄉
儘管繁忙 感情空窗
不管怎麼樣 還是要堅強

流水的時光 半年拋後方
見識更增廣 內心更成長
人生就這樣 未知的想像

27 February, 2007

(Barry@Dallas) Galveston Island

[****** 前言 ******]
我跟海不熟, 僅管我會游泳;
我跟山比較熟, 因為我常爬山~

山和海都很美, 卻也都有種令人莫明的害怕,
尤其是海, 就像開頭講的, 我跟海不熟......

我很喜歡海, 看到海很開心, 但並沒有到很興奮的地步~
總覺的我們有著一些距離, 我們需要時間.....

[****** 正題囉 ******]


Galveston Island 不大, 當然用走路的還是很遠~
這個 island 在 1900 年遇到一個大海嘯 (Great Storm), 死亡約 8K ~ 12K 人,
這個人數是 Deadliest Atlantic hurricanes 第三高 ~
所以這裡很多建築都是重建的~ 心裡默默替往生者哀悼~

我很喜歡這個畫面, 女孩們在水中戲水, 男孩們在玩球,
很多人在溜狗, 小朋友在追海歐.......
有人說這裡的海不很美, 有錢人都會去更美的島玩, 或許吧~
這裡對我來說己經足夠 ~~ 不過它是真的不很美啦~


1. 逛了 Bishop's Palace($6), 很美的建築, 內部更美,
還有專人講解, 可惜了我的爛聽力....


2. 去 Pier 21 Theater 看了 Great Storm($5),
介紹了 1900 年那場 great strom~
3. 逛了 Strand street($free), 這條街真的是有很多奇珍異寶可以看,


4. Baywatch($10), 45 分鐘的海上行程, 船長會介紹一些東西,
例如港口, 船隻, dolphin tour..... 一樣, 可惜了我的爛聽力....


5. beach($free), 海岸線很長, 路邊車一停就一堆人下去 beach 了 ~


6. 還有這種 electric train bus($1 吧? 我沒坐), 是真的走在鐵軌上哦~


7. cruise terminal 看好大的 ship 啊! 我本來想進去看看的,



11 January, 2007

(Barry@Dallas) Barry 的有氧戀愛史 ~

嗯.... 會認識她, 也是朋友介紹的 ~

她呀, 個性活蹦, 像個小男生似的....
蹦蹦跳跳的 ~ 一刻也閒不下來 ~
但我就是喜歡她這個樣子, 自然率真;
同時間, 我也認識了另外一個,
好玩的是, 她卻相當文靜 ~ 靜靜的她, 彷彿世界只剩下她一個而已 ~
和她們在一起的時光很開心, 所以我常找她們玩 ~
啊... 忘了介紹, 好動的那個叫 Combat, 文靜的那個叫 Balance ~

透過她們, 我又認了二個 ~
一個啊, 身材漫妙, 娥娜多姿, 令人看了忍不住流鼻血, 太正點了 ~
另一個啊, 個性剛強, 常常拿她沒輒, 又不能怎麼辦, 唉, 她個性就是這樣啊 ~
哦, 前面那個名字叫 Latin, 後面那個叫 Pump ~

最後, 我又認識了一對姊妹, 姊妹倆個性和言行舉止都很相似,
都是活潑好動, 鬼靈精怪, 常常有一些點子, 有的時候會整的你團團轉 ~
但這就是她們可愛的地方 ~ 嗯, 姊姊叫 Step, 妹妹叫 Hi-Lo ~
我特別喜歡她們, 也因此和 Combat 她們漸漸疏遠了....

不是說我喜新厭舊, 這也不是金斧頭或銀斧頭的故事,
只是, 人的一生中不就是在找尋適合自己的那把斧頭嗎 ?
和她們在一起真的真的很開心, 是發自內心的哦 ~
很多時候你很開心, 但仔細想想, 那個時候是 "真的開心" 嗎 ?

不過人生就是這樣, 在最開心的時候, 我得到一個美國外派的機會,
去美國是我的目標之一, 但我又捨不得和她們分離,
這就是所謂的 "好事不成雙" ~ 我該怎麼選擇呢 ?
說實在, 我很掙札, 但我其實心理有個底.......
美國.... 10 年後還是在那裡, 公司不派我去, 我以後可以自己存錢去啊 ~ 有什麼難的 ?
但是人一生中, 又能遇到幾個自己真正喜歡的人呢 ? 數一數不到 5 個吧 ~
這樣一想, 答案也就漸漸出來了.......
那為什麼我現在會坐在美國打 b 呢 ? 這就是天意啦 ~~~

Anyway, 在美國我也認識了一個 Step, 雖然她和台灣的那個個性相像,
但..... 還是有很大的差異 ~ 我很想念台灣那群 ~~
如果再給我選擇一次要不要來美國, 我會說 "我還是很掙札", 我不知道 ~
雖然我再這裡沒有像 Combat or Hi-Lo 這樣的朋友,
不過我也認識了新的朋友, 像是 Las Vegas, Grand Canyon,
將來我會有更多新的朋友例如 : Statue of Liberty, Yellowstone National Park...

或許吧 ~ 出來走走多看看也是不錯的 ~
這就是人生 ~ 充滿了未知 ~


31 December, 2006

(Barry@Dallas) Las Vegas & Grand Canyon

當我站在 Las Vegas Boulevard & Nation Grand Canyon Park,

我才驚覺到, 原來我竟然站在一個多年來只在電視上看過, 一個遙不可及從來沒想過會來的地方 ~

這就是人生, 充滿了未知 ~

*** Las Vegas ***

很美, 到了晚上, 更美, 很美的燈光, 很美的建築, 白天和晚上是二種不同的風貌,

晩上真的是亮的誇張 ~~

http://www.pixnet.net/photo/xvictory/43263698 (很美的白天)

http://www.pixnet.net/photo/xvictory/43263834 (更很美的晚上)

在這裡, Las Vegas Boulevard 就夠逛二天了吧, 因為這裡的 hotels 有各種不同的造型,

裡頭我最喜歡bellagio hotel 了, 因為它有美麗的水舞和美麗的湖,

站在這裡享受食物, 享受美景, 享受音樂, 感覺好棒啊 !!

http://www.pixnet.net/photo/xvictory/43263881 (就是這個 Hotel)

賭博嘛, 我沒有賭耶…..

一來因為規則很多不懂, 不會賭.

二來, 其實沒什麼時間可以賭, 因為逛不完 ~

其實, Las Vegas 我應該不會再來第二次了吧?

因為我喜歡大自然, 這裡是很美, 但我不喜歡 ~~

如果會再來也只會看秀就好了, 我這次只看了 “O” show,

很棒, 聲光效果和音樂都很讚 ~~

下次如果來的話我會看更多秀 ~

******* Grand Canyon *******

讚啊 !! 壯觀 ~ 偉大 ~~~~ 可惜相機不是萬能, 無法把這真實的美紀錄下來 ~

再怎麼美也只有親眼看到才算 …………..

Grand Canyon 我明年還會再去一次,

這次太趕了, 待的不夠久, 看的也不夠多 ~ 無法好好認識她 ~

下次再來我應該就只會專心在這裡玩了 ~

下次來的話我要 ….

A. Skywalk 預計 Jan. 2007 完工, 這是一定要走的 !!!

B. 騎donkey…. 聽說要騎很久, 來回4-8 小時不等,

來 Grand Canyon 不騎 donkey 就好像沒有來過一樣 ~

C. 要去 North Rim (Grand Canyon 有分 South, North and West Rim)

North Rim 比較保持著原始和自然, 但相對會比較花時間, 但這一定要去的 ~

我要好好的在這裡走一走 ~

http://www.pixnet.net/photo/xvictory/43324605 (日出)

http://www.pixnet.net/photo/xvictory/43324959 (可愛的 Donkey)

http://www.pixnet.net/photo/xvictory/43325306 (壯觀啊 ~)


14 December, 2006

(Barry@Dallas) Just share with you~

1. Not all American are rich.

剛來到這裡, 什麼都覺的貴, 一餐都要美金7、8 元,
覺的美國人真是富有, 有一次和一個前輩聊, 其實不然,
平常上班開車的我, 有時外出和朋友吃好料的我,
但最近仔細注意, 沒錯, 在美國光鮮的外表下,
還是有許多, 或許是需要幫助的人.............

2. Skate

上星期去 Dr. Pepper go skating.....
第一次溜冰, 蠻好玩的, 但不會倒溜...... 轉彎也還不順 ~
而且還在現場看到冰上曲棍球的比賽 ~
很有意思 ~~

3. Lunch box

覺的作菜很好玩 ~ 當然, 失敗的作品就另當別論 ~
而且也蠻享受逛市場 ~
從買菜, 洗菜, 作菜, 到洗碗~ 心情還 ok 啦 ~
從一開始香菇雞湯, 燒酒蝦, 滷雞腿,
這個星期開始滷大白菜~ 而且還開始弄便當 ~
菜越學越多, 將來看可不可以烤 pizza or 麵包 ~
My first lunch box by myself~~


4. First US Party

上星期去參加老闆辦的 Christmas Party,
其實也不算是 Party, 到像是聚餐 ~
因為人沒有很多, 也沒有跳舞 ~
這是我第一次去美國人的 house,
哇!!! 裡頭的擺飾就好像童話故事一樣,
有火爐, 燈飾, 游泳池, 籃框, 蠟燭.......
大夥坐在火爐旁聊天感覺很棒 ~
而且大家喜歡把自己的 house 裝飾一下,
到了晚上就好像到了燈展一樣 ~ 好美好美 ~~


5. Christmas

美國人真的很注重 Christmas, 到處可以看到賣 Christmas 各式各樣的飾品,
很多人也在陽台掛一些燈飾, 很美.... 可惜我不會用我的相機拍下來 ~~
應應景, 我也去買了燈飾, 將來會越買越多的 ~

My Christmas light~
蠻失敗的, 應該看的出來這個字吧 ? 我覺的它是很美的一個字 ~


6. Nice TV programs

最近發現不錯的 programs, 都在 Disney channel,
很好笑的青春喜劇, 是沒有 Friends 好笑啦 ~
但會讓人看了很輕鬆 ~
a. Phil of the future
b. The suite life of Zack & Cody
c. Hannah Montana
還有 Spincity (在 FX channel)
打算存錢把它們買下來 ~~

7. Nice view

這裡的天空很美, 可能是因為大的關係吧 ~ 真的好美 ~



03 December, 2006

(Barry@Dallas) None

遠渡重洋 飄蕩到異鄉
時逢季節轉換 樹木換衣裳 好美的景象
這裡天空潦闊 抬頭向上望 滿天閃光芒

半個地球上 日夜不一樣
想念零時差 依然如往常
這裡下雪了 銀白入眼眶
實在很希望 共渡好時光
我現在很好 請保重健康


(Barry@Dallas) Life in US

1. Snow
Nov.30, Dallas 下雪了, 聽說這裡一年才下一次雪而已,
白茫茫的一片, 很美.... 真的很美........
不過不好玩, 因為我車窗都結冰了, 要熱車一段時間把冰融掉,
而且路滑不好開............. 所以,
理想 : 下雪好美; 實際 : 下雪不好玩 ~~

2. English lesson
來到這裡, 大致上生活英文可以溝通,
但就僅止於生活上簡單的, 很多東西還是聽不懂,
為了要更進步, 更快融入美國人的生活,
因為我自己也受不了了, 我希望全聽懂他們在講什麼 !
有不錯的教材的話, 我回台灣會和你們分享的 ~

3. Live in US
同樣是住外面, 在美國和在台灣就是不一樣,
為了要省錢和吃的習慣, 就必須自己煮.....
這幾天每天都去逛 supermarket, 採買所需要的用具和菜.
第一天煮, 電爐不會控制火候, 菜都黑了,
第二天弄了香菇雞湯, 還不錯喝,
第三天弄燒酒蝦, 失敗......
對於吃, 每天都在學習.........
學習如何買菜, 學習如何切菜, 學習如何做菜................ 不斷進步中~
Someone one told me, Be tough, Be man.....
I am trying...........

4. Live in US
自己住外面, 什麼事都要自己來,
由於自己英文破的關係, 很多事都要花更多時間,
之前找電力公司, 找電話公司, 找 cable service,
講電話都要很久, 因為語言的不同, 因為或許文化上的差異,
超痛苦的 ~
有人問我怎麼不找老中幫忙, 我說我不想,
我想自己來, 自己試著溝通, 試著去了解,
我不想別人幫我弄的好好的, 結果我什麼都不知道,
有些事情自己做, 收穫會比較大吧 ~
過程是痛苦的, 但完成後的心情是超好的 ~

5. Easy life
自己做菜吃, 躺在沙發上看電視, 在公寓附近慢跑, 買買菜 ~
很享受 ~ 很喜歡 ~
來之前總覺的美國女生不是很好看, 但來這裡待久了, 看多了,
發現其實很多美國女孩子很不錯, 並沒有想像中那麼糟 ~
BTW, 最近都在看 Disney Channel 的影集, 不是卡通哦 ~
發現那些影集好看又好笑, 不知道台灣有沒有 ~~


(Barry@Dallas) Go skiing --- Nov.29, 2006

上星期 thanksgiving, 連放 4 天, 大夥 (11 人 + 1 狗) 開 3 台車去 New Mexico skiing….

差不多要開 12 小時….. 可是我都沒開到, 因為我才剛拿到 driver’s license, 大家不讓我開 …… (嗚~)

第一次有這種開這麼長途的經驗, 從下午出發, 開到半夜,

中間看到美麗的日落, 你知道嗎? 好美的日落耶….

晚上時, 滿天的星星, 我眼淚差點流下來, 這是我第一次看到滿天都是一閃一閃的星星, 好美的星空 ~

第一次滑雪, 當然就是不斷的摔, 滑雪很好玩, 很刺激~

不自量力的我, 第二天就去挑戰中級….. (坡度比較陡, 路線長, 障礙多)

第一次滑時, 摔的超慘的, 摔到我都怕了……摔到忘了怎麼滑….

但第二次滑時, 反而越摔越不怕…..

其實滑雪就這樣, 因為摔不會痛, 反而容易越挫越勇 ~

我們住的地方很有 “味道”, 我好喜歡啊…… 所以拍了很多照片…..

很可愛的民宿 ~ 真的很特別 ~

有興趣的話這裡有更多照片 ~ http://www.pixnet.net/xvictory


(Barry@Dallas) About this English Club --- Nov.06, 2006

2004/10/29 加入的, 2006/11/02 離開台灣.
我這二年最重要的就是 Aerobics & English Club 了.

English Club 我每週都盡量不缺席, 因為我是真心喜歡 ~
而真心喜歡的東西, 我不會中斷的~

一開始這個讀書會人數很不穩, 我還記得 2005 的農曆年前,
Jungle, Lorien & Barry, 我們三個坐在管院前面, 討論讀書會的未來,
現在, 人數比較固定了, 奇怪的是, 這一批的人(Randolph, Vickie, Jason),
我們感情似乎很好, 比前幾批的好很多, 或許是因為我們有聚會的關係吧 ~
我喜歡 English Club是因為: Friends 很好看, practice English, 還有認識朋友囉 ~

Jungle 是個很棒的人, 認真, 想當年我們辦週年慶時, 他弄遊戲弄到 3 點多 ~ 而且也參與頻繁~
Lorien 雖然混了點, 到最後愛來不來的, 但她是個心思很細的女生, 而且會昇火做卡片, 送人自用二相宜.
Randolph 很棒, 充滿了知識, Dr. Ran. 不是叫假的, 我從 Randolph 身上學到很多,
可愛的 Vickie, 認真的 Selena, 很帥的 Jason, 永遠睡過頭的 Anita, 還有那個好像很久沒看到的 Elsa.
我從大家身上都學到東西, 我很開心, 真的很開心認識你們 ~
和你們討論哈拉打屁的時光我很開心 ~~

大家加油, 也請保重, 有機會的話, 誠心歡迎大家來 Dallas 玩,
我一定會好好招待大家 ~


08 November, 2006

拍照留念, 再見了奔放, 再見了有氧 ~

我要在我還有記憶的時候, 把這美好的一切寫下來 ~

這是在台灣上課的 summary , 至少會有 2 年不會再更新了 ~

From Sep. 16, 2005 To Nov. 1, 2006

課名 上課次數 何時開始
Hi-Lo 59 Feb/2006
Step 73 May/2006
Combat 84 Sep/2005
Balance 56 Sep/2005
Latin 75 Sep/2005
Pump 56 Sep/2005

月份 Sep Oct Nov Dec
上課次數 8 19 24 23

月份 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov
上課次數 24 27 31 32 37 41 54 57 48 44 2

我上課的第一堂是 combat, 最後一堂也是 combat.....


奔放不是一個連鎖的俱樂部, 裡頭人也很少, 小俱樂部就是比較有味道吧 ?
會員們知道彼此, 教練會員也彼此認識 ~ 那個位置會站那個人都知道 ~
感情我想會比較好... 重點是不會人擠人 ~

走之前, 和一些會員還有教練拍照留念 ~ 這裡是一個讓我很開心的地方 ~
我在這裡充滿了歡樂 ~~ 最後一張照片, 我把舞蹈教室拍下來 ~
我在這間教室跳了 1 年多, 有著很深的感情和不捨 ~
誰站在那個位置, 星期幾是怎麼樣的內容, 在我腦海裡放映 ~

每次 Latin, 我總在想, 那個站正中間叫橘子的女生, 我很喜歡看妳跳 step.
每次 Yoga, 我總在想, 那個站右前方叫草莓的男生會不會太扯了, 連上 Yoga 也要激突 ~
每次 Step, 我總在想, 那個站左前方叫芋頭的男生, 到底是不是男生丟他紙條 ?
每次 .......
每次上課, 有一個女生總是站在教室的最左前方, 2006/05/02前有一頭很可愛的金色捲髮,
之後換成烏黑亮麗的直髮, 天天都來報到而且沒什麼缺席 
她上課很認真, 真的很認真 ~
動態課程, 當大家可能轉的頭昏腦脹時, 她卻可以記得舞步,
靜態課程, 她總是把動作做到最標準, 專心一致 ~
當然她也會有做錯的時候, 就會俏皮的笑一下 ~ 很可愛 ~
看了她 1 年也喜歡她 1 年, 當你看到一個人,
和你一樣如此熱愛有氧, 熱愛到每天都來, 什麼課都上,

這次去美國, 我洗了很多照片, 其中最多的就是和教練會員合照的照片了...
當然上次奔放的板聚, 也是有氧板第一次的板聚, 那張大合照我也帶過去了,
我要把這些照片貼在我的位置上...... 常常可以看到 ~

25 September, 2006

Driving Training

For a purpose, I need to get a driver's license ASAP.

Just started from 2 weeks ago, and everything is new for me.

It's manual (手排)

1st day: Handle the wheel.

2nd day: Back a car into the garage.

I am so excited and nervous to drive a car.

當我在學如何開車的時候 當我在學如何使用 notebook 的時候

當我在學使用相機的時候 當我在學如何使用 credit card 的時候

學會的感覺很好 卻又有股淡淡的哀傷

因為當我都學會的時候 也是我開始想妳的時候


27 August, 2006

Think of you..... or try to over you

Maybe second one~ Move on!

妳要快樂 笑容總是多 不要憂愁 不然我會很難過

祝妳一切都順利 好好保重妳自己

妳不孤獨 一定很幸福 個性善良 老天也會來相助

要開心也祝福妳 如願找到理想好伴侶

是過去也是回憶 曾經有個人很喜歡妳


----- From The Good Girl -----

The last 1 year has been the most God-awful of my life. I've not been able to get rid of you in my head.

I've never wanted anything so bad, and I have wanted many things.

I'd given up long ago on being gotten by someone else, and then you came along.

The idea that I could be gotten because of circumstance or never get got is the worst feeling I've ever felt,

and I have felt many bad feelings.

I'm sorry I can never see you again. Forgive me for being so weak, but that is who I am. Goodbye.


07 August, 2006

Nice day in Burn Fun (2006/08/05)

08/05 is a wonderful day, because of Aerobics we got together.

You are experts on aerobics, and especially on talking.......

How can you keep talking without rest all day?

Hope you all like this schedule and the restaurant.

shammy, berryhead and BOYISH you three are very vivacious and interesting.

Must be happy and lucky if always be with you. ^__^

--- shammy ---

Of course, you are so pretty!! Happy now?

At the break of Step, you took off your outer garment

and showed "Let you see what's good!" on your face.

And after class, you pressed your face on the glass to play with Ant123.

It's so funny~~

--- berryhead ---

My God! You are so amazing~~

Imitated the other teachers, showed us "Dancing Diva(舞孃)" and "激突".

If you are a teacher must be so popular!! I do believe!

--- BOYISH ---

You are cute.

Your poses are nice-looking in Combat.

--- platoplate ---

You are cute, too.

I am so angry about you just show up for a short time.

No class No dinner with us..... Angry!!

--- Aerobics ---

"Sports Aerobics(競技有氧)"

Made me a big eye-opening.

--- zate ---

Oh~ You are so handsome.

Your appearance and dressing looks like you are an Aerobics Teacher.

Thank you so much! I learned a lot during the conversation.

Looking forward to next party.


17 July, 2006


真心感謝天 或許真的有聽見

偶然遇見在瞬間 自然開口完成了心願

真心想問天 我倆是否真有緣

繞了一圈又一圈 最後到終點 還是回到原點



Busy but happy~

Take too many courses, busy but so happy~~ ^__^

Monday : Step Aerobics(Basic-Class)

Tuesday : Latin Aerobics, Body Pump

Wednesday: Hi-Lo Aerobics (General-Class), Body Combat

Thursday: Hi-Lo Aerobics (General-Class), Step Aerobics (Basic-Class)

Friday: Body Balance

Saturday: Latin Aerobics, Spinning (High-Class), ELT Expand

Sunday: Step Aerobics (High-Class)

Lovin' it


16 July, 2006

High-Class Step Aerobics

Mambo cha-cha-cha

Mambo cha-cha-cha


踩踏點點踢 現在的我在那裡 ~

Chasse cha-cha-cha

Chasse cha-cha-cha


僅管很吃力 還是希望跳下去



Just my poor voice

當你 + 你們要快樂
[Original Performer : 王心凌 + 李聖傑]


[Original Performer : Hirai Ken (平井堅)]



18 June, 2006


出了門口到走廊 一直望著同方向

總想像 現在的妳怎麼樣

明知結局已無望 秘密只能往心藏

就這樣 默默看著在遠方

如果有一天 我沒有到場

那表示 我想徹底把妳遺忘



I lost something important, my best colleague!

Yes, he has nice personalities and behavior.

Although his desk was always so messy.

Thanks to him~~

In my first year, he helped me so much.

I also learned a lot from him.

He is important for me~

Now he decided to quit for the job he wants.

Thank you and nice to know you, my best colleague~

Good luck!



到底喜歡那一點 內心更甚其表面

恆心毅力和勤勉 態度個性和笑臉


!! 只要喜歡對方的 "心 (Inner Beauty)" !!



You have to think too much

When you crash on someone, maybe you will think too much~

Or maybe you HAVE TO think so much~

To reduce the pain once get bad result.

Maybe she already got married and has 2 children.

Maybe she has a boyfriend for ten years.

Maybe she is over 50 years old.

Maybe she is a lesbian.

Maybe she ............


26 May, 2006


九月在去年 第一次見面

相隔了一段時間 突然靠近我身邊

"嘿 ~ 怎麼稱呼 ? 常看到你出現!"

毅力的持堅 恆心的展現


經過了半年 緊張了半天







The MOST in Our Life (人生之最)

● The most excited : A baby is born. I will be a dad/mom!!

人生最興奮 : 孩子出生. 我要當爸爸/媽媽了!!

Notice : Just a moment, HELL will come soon......

注意 : 只是一瞬間而以 , 地獄不久就要到來......

● The most nervous and sweet : Say "Marry me" and get "Yes, I do"

人生最緊張和甜美 : 開口說 "嫁給我吧" 然則得到回覆 "我願意"

● The most challenge : Raise a baby until grown-up.

人生最大的挑戰 : 養一個小孩直到成年.

● The most difficult : Find your Mr. Right/Snow White.

人生最難 : 找到理想的另一半.

What do you think?


11 May, 2006



你說它壞 它就是壞


快樂在那裡 隨時隨地





50 First Dates(我的失憶女友)

Pretty nice movie~~ Very strongly recommend!!

Don't wait and just rent it.

There is no sweet word but only sincerity.

Fill with laugh and tears.

I am such an insane person when watching this movie.

I like it so much and was touched beyond words.

07 May, 2006





一樣亮麗 一樣高雅






One fine day in Yi-Lan(宜蘭)


We had 10 people, but actually only 4 from English Club.

We visited Green Expo(綠色博覽會 : 250NT) and Luodong Sport Park(羅東運動公園 : Free).

Both of them are pretty beautiful. I love it very much!

Love the nice views and the environment.

It is worth you go there again.



滿天明亮的星星 好像是妳的眼睛

閃爍個不停 令人吃驚

下雨過後的彩虹 好像是妳的笑容

美麗難形容 令人心動


28 April, 2006

Would rather Strikeout but not Called Out on Strikes.

I love watching baseball game, enjoy the nice play or hits.

我很喜歡看棒球, 享受精彩的守備和打擊.

There is a well-known saying and I do believe that,

有一句很有名的話而且我很相信 ~

it is, "Would rather Strikeout but not Called Out on Strikes"

就是 "寧願揮棒落空也不要站著被三振"

Now I got a chance to bat, and it's full count.

現在我得到一個打擊的機會, 而且是滿球數.

I thought it's a fast ball and I swung.

我認為它是一顆快速球, 所以我揮棒了~

Never try, never fail.


To try or not to try, it's a question.


No matter what the result will be, I won't regret.

無論結果為何, 我也不會後悔.

I swung and at least I tried......

我揮棒了, 至少我試過了......


23 April, 2006


Lyric :

How beautiful and simple and lovable.

Catch my heart and whole my soul.

So many chances I can see you are alone.

When I'm able to let you know?

Ask you go~ (Ask you go~)

I'm not sure~ (I'm not sure~)

God please give me a proposal.

Melody :



Just my voice

Almost Over You (幾乎忘了你)
[Original Performer : Sheena Easton]


[Original Performer : 李聖傑]



18 April, 2006


Lyric :


總是會去想妳的笑 妳的笑

讓我忘卻煩惱 讓我脫離這泥沼

就是這麼神奇 就是這種魔力


我的心隨著妳而起 漸漸快樂活潑有朝氣

Melody :



Never Give Up

2005/09/16, it's my first time in Fitness Club,

My first course was "Body Combat".

From that, I totally fall in love with it!!

So far, I've been taking many courses such as Latin,

Hi-Lo, Pump, Combat, Balance, ELT Expand, Spinning ......

Learn a lot and have fun in there.

These days, I saw many people just showed up in the first time at some courses,

next time, they disappeared.

Of course it's very very uncomfortable in the beginning,

If you give up, you will never learn it.

I am so glad I never give up~

I love dancing and still enjoy~

Never Give Up!!


07 April, 2006

I Love Kyoto

Lyric :

京都我愛妳 妳是那麼的美麗

好山好水好空氣 就像動人的旋律

揮之不去在腦海裡 構成甜蜜的回憶

京都我愛妳 妳是那麼的客氣

可愛熱心實在有禮 幫助我們在外地

謝謝妳 想念妳


Melody :



5 days 4 nights in Kyoto

Nice and perfect trip~~ See you next time!

Day 1 : Higashi Honganji Temple(東本願寺), Kiyomizu Temple(清水寺)

Day 2 : Universal Studios Japan(環球影城)

Day 3 : Kinkakuji Temple(金閣寺), Hirano Shrine(平野神社),

Kitano Tenmangu Shrine(北野天滿宮), Arashiyama(嵐山)

Day 4 : It's snowing in the morning!!!!!

Chionin Temple(知恩院), Maruyama Park(圓山公園),

Heian Shrine(平安神宮), Ginkakuji Temple(銀閣寺)

Day 5 : Nishi Honganji Temple(西本願寺), Toji Temple(東寺)

● The best view in Kyoto:

Kinkakuji Temple(金閣寺), Arashiyama(嵐山)

● The rank in Universal Studios Japan(環球影城) :

Spiderman(蜘蛛人) > Back to the future(回到未來) >

E.T. Adventure(E.T.) > Jurassic Park(侏羅紀公園) >

Backdraft(浴火赤子情) > Jaws(大白鯊) >>>



京都真的是一個乾淨又很美的地方, 那裡的人也很可愛, 熱心.

我們彼此言語不通, 卻能夠用 Body Language 傳達訊息,


或許我待的不夠久, 或許我看的不夠多,

無論如何, 在那 5 天 4 夜我看到的就是用盡方法要幫助我們的日本人.

第 4 天晚上吃飯時, 淚水在我眼眶裡打轉,


真的是一支很 nice 的民族 ~

老實說, 我自己都沒有把握可以像他們這樣.


Japanese dogs

Cute hotel owner

Universal Studios Japan

Kinkakuji Temple

Kitano Tenmangu Shrine

Chionin Temple

Heian Shrine

Toji Temple





26 March, 2006


Lyric :





Melody :



緣份 (Serendipity)

Friends asked me, what do you image your GF in the future?

朋友問我 , 你希望未來的女朋友是什麼樣子 ?

I said, depends on the Serendipity.

我說 , 等緣份吧 ~

Like the entrance of exams, we all hope the No.1.

就像聯考 , 都希望考到第一志願 ,

But if only get No.10, you still have to enroll.

但如果只考到第十志願 , 還是得去讀 ,

It comes about even if retake the exam.

即使重考還是一樣 .

Sometimes the thing you desire to is not really good,

有時候你想要的不一定很好 ,

On the other hand, it's.

有時候你不是很想要的卻又不一定不好 .

I am not negativist, but it just happens this way~

我不是消極 , 而是這種事就是這樣 ~ 很難講 ~


22 March, 2006

Fitness Club

Lyric :

I am happy, when I'm dancing.

Only joy around my body.

Combat, Pump, Hi-Lo and Latin.

I love the swing, I love the music, I love there everything.

If you are interested in, come with me~

Melody :




Heard one of her albums("Say It's Forever") accidentally,

I like it pretty much and I think it's a very very good album.

Her voice is beautiful, and the melodies are great!

What surprise me is, her English doesn't have any Japanese accent.

Sometimes I was wondering is it an American album or not.

I recommend it strongly.


15 March, 2006


Lyric :

總是期待妳的秀髮 陽光的微笑

看著妳俏皮的模樣 亂掉的心跳

總是期待能夠跟妳 瘋狂一起搖

因為妳 這世界變美妙

Melody :



03/29 ~ 04/02 dancing in KYOTO~

It's my first time to leave Taiwan. >///////<

We plan for self-travel because we believe it'll be more fun~

I like nature so I choose Kyoto.

Enjoy the nature and only relaxation.

Heard some said, Japan is a country where is better for self-travel.

Hope my first travel abroad will be smooth~


08 March, 2006

Wow. Wow. All right, so I'm not winning director. (By George Clooney)

Lyric :

喬治克隆尼 真心的恭喜

奧斯卡男配角的獎勵 備受肯定的演技

喬治克隆尼 千萬別洩氣

最佳導演其實很在意 只要保持著實力

再接和再厲 總會到手裡

Melody :



Save a Dog or a person?

One day if you see a dog and a person are in danger of drowning,

which one you will save first?

It's hard to decide, I think.

If save that person, maybe, maybe in the future will hurt someone or more people.

I don't know how to say, too many BAD guys in the world now.

Because of them, the distance between one and one is getting far.

Still hope one day there is only nice person.

I'm truly hoped~


23 February, 2006


Lyric :

每當巧遇 簡單的點頭和笑意

無聲無息 卻深深印在腦海裡

總是期待那天的來臨 一想就歡喜

可惜至今仍沒有勇氣 隨意聊東西





我想我是喜歡上了妳 ~

總期待 發生不斷邂逅的奇蹟


我的世界有我也有妳 ~

Melody :



A Latin(Or Hi-Lo) a day, keeps the depression away~~

Anytime, when I feel depressed,

just think something about the courses of Latin or Hi-Lo.

Suddenly, sunshine falls in my mind~~

It makes me happy and happy~~

I love it!



14 February, 2006

My Valentine's Day

Lyric :

今年的情人節 剛好有拉丁可以學

不至於像往年 平平淡淡的過一天

唉呀 一個人又何彷 二個人啊又怎樣

愛自己才是重點 開開心心看每一天


Melody :



Released paper lantern in PingShi (平溪放天燈)

This Lantern Festival(02/12) I went to PingShi with my friends.

Our purpose was --- Released paper Lantern!!!!

A lots people there and paper lanterns in the sky~~ Nice view~

We bought 2 and it cost 300NT. ( 200NT if only bought 1.)

The first one was levitated, although the process was so rough~

The second was unlucky, crashed into the tree.

Anyway, it's my first time to release paper lantern.

Very good experience~~


11 February, 2006

Happy Valentine's Day

不知何時才注意 妳的笑容和甜蜜

認真毅力和翹皮 都深深令我著迷

在這情人節前夕 只想大聲告訴妳

嘿 ~~~ 情人節 Happy!



Hi-Lo Aeribics (高低有氧)

Ummmm ......

Looks like similar with Latin, I mean, Quick Latin.

I love it too~ Nice music and nice dancing steps.

But looks like only "Hi" and no "Lo".

Coz whole course is dancing so fast. >"<


03 February, 2006



星星閃爍在天上 彷彿有話對我講

講她過的怎麼樣 是否依然如往常

大地灑滿了光茫 處處充滿了希望

有個人 守候在遠方




02 February, 2006

My 24 hours

My 24 hours: Courses in Fitness Club -- Movies -- Sleep -- Work.

● What I've been learning are,

Latin Aerobics(拉丁有氧) -- I love the music, dancing step.....

Body Combat(戰鬥有氧) -- Good music! Jam, uppercut, hook, knee.....

Body Pump(槓鈴雕塑) -- Tired but feel good!

Body Balance(身心靈平衡) -- Peaceful.

International Standard Dance(國標) -- New!!

Spinning(飛輪有氧) -- So so.

If I can, I hope to take Hi-Lo Aerobics(高低有氧) and Pilates(皮拉提斯).

● Recently the movies I've watched are,

Saw, SawII(奪魂鋸) ----> GOOD!

Divergence(三岔口) ---> Good acting.

Bug Me Not(虫不知), Just Like Heaven(出竅情人) ---> Cute movies

SPL(殺破狼) ---> Good Kung-Fu

They are also good ---> King Kong(金剛), Eraser in My Head(腦海中的橡皮擦),

Perhaps Love(因為愛), Memoirs Of a Geisha(藝妓回億錄),

The Motorcycle Diaries(革命前夕的摩托車日記), Fantastic Four(驚奇四超人).


24 January, 2006

Today's Latin course~

I am so happy in today's Latin course~~

Before, I only focused on teacher's dancing steps and ignore others.

Today, I can enjoyed the music, dancing and everything around me~

Love it!


17 January, 2006

Latin teachers (Mr. W and Ms. H)

長相實在很帥氣 , 壯碩結實有胸肌 , [Male, only teach single]

教學認真又有禮 , 男人看了也著迷 . [So Cool, BIG pectoral muscle]

長髮動人而飄逸 , 身材姣好卻纖細 , {Female, teach single and double}

舞姿漫妙無法抵 , 看她跳舞真美麗 . {So pretty, Looks like snake}

同樣都是跳拉丁 , 二者內容大相異 .


I love Latin, although "pose" & "charm" are hard for me to perform.

I love it's dance steps and music.

I love singing and dancing!!


11 January, 2006

Handsome, Money, Tall, Ability


人啊要夠帥 要嘛要有財



人啊不能矮 要嘛要有才



不帥 沒財 很矮 沒才



Never give up! Be optimistic!! ^___^




I'll just be hanging around the mistletoe, hoping to be kissed.



09 January, 2006

Latin Show in End-Year-Party

Type : Latin

Song : Livin' La Vida Loca (Eddie Murphy / Antonio Banderas)

每每見人秀舞技, 總是羨慕又嘆息.

有時幻想腦海裡, 那天輪到我自己.

因緣際會能學習, 戰鬥槓鈴和拉丁.

今年尾牙的 party, 有幸能夠上台去.

雖然跳的 ugly, 總算留下了足跡.

辛苦教練的腦力, 編舞選歌和叮嚀.

(Thank you!! Coach & My partner!! It's a nice experience!)

練習練習再練習 期待前進大距離.

隨著音樂擺動的感覺真的很 happy!!

I'll just be hanging around the mistletoe, hoping to be kissed.


08 January, 2006

To Be a Volunteer in TzuChi(慈濟)

It's my first time to be a volunteer in TzuChi.

We did recycling today~~

Cleaned out the papers, plastics, metal......

I'm glad I can do some for the Earth!

My goals this year ---

Dancing (On going)

Be a volunteer (On going)

Magic (On going)

Language (On going)

Electrical Piano (Will start)


03 January, 2006

思念 (To Miss)

平時呼吸 是否曾經來注意

珍貴無價的空氣 往往忽略而忘記

以為忘記 卻似黑夜悄來襲

無聲無息無痕跡 每每撥動心漣漪


New Year Party with English Club

So tired.....

The party was started from 12:30 but we (Jungle, Randolph and I) prepared for the stuff from 09:30.

We had games, played poker, had meals (Everyone brought a dish), gift-changing..... A lot of fun.

For me, it's a happy party!

Happy New Year!!!


21 December, 2005

她 (A Girl in Gym)


一頭捲髮 笑容燦爛像朵花

相貌實在很鄰家 看似沉默不說話

動作瀟灑 外型柔弱體力佳

什麼課程都參加 外柔內剛卻優雅



Do Re Mi So, Fa Me Re Do Re So So,

Fa Me Re Do .La Re Re, .La .Si Do Re Mi Mi Re


Mi Mi Re Do Re


Smile With ??

Smile is not always with happiness~~

Sometimes you will see someone smiles with sadness,

smiles with evil, smiles with depression......

Maybe you can feel his/her emotion via the smile~

It's interesting~ Right?


19 December, 2005


不知名的液體 滑過臉頰流進嘴裡

味道鹹的出奇 卻又深深觸動心底

人們叫它淚液 而往往出現在分離


Spinning (飛輪有氧)

Last Friday, it's my first time to attend Spinning course.

Terrible and not funny!! I think.

Actually, it's kind of a little boring.....

Just kept riding..... No any change.

And the music didn't make me feel excited.

In order to practice more, I will still attend but just take basic-class.

Combat and Latin are my favorite.... ^^"


14 December, 2005

三輪車 (A Tricycle)

踩著沉重的踏板, 載著沉重的負擔,

廢鐵鋁罐壞風扇, 書本雜誌和紙板,

常人只想去那玩, 他們只求一頓飯,

如果可以有錢賺, 有誰願意撿破爛?


Happy Hot Pot Party with English Club

Originally, we should have one fine day in GuanDu(關渡).

But the rainy day destroyed our plan......

We changed to Hot Pot Party in Selena's house~

We bought food together and had a lots fun.

It's a wonderful night~

Our hot pot

10 December, 2005

Best Friend's Wedding 12/10/2005

Congratulations on their happy marriage!

I'm so happy on their wedding and it's touching.

My friend also invited me to make a speech.

Oh.... I was so nervous when I stood on the stage,

even though I already prepared for lots times.

愛情長跑近十年, 終於抵達了終點,

俊男美女人歆羨, 交頸鴛鴦勝似仙,

不論世界多麼變, 攜手相伴到永遠.


祝福希望滿酒杯, 一飲而盡直下胃

不是想一人單飛, 也盼路上有人陪.


09 December, 2005

Body Combat new release

God!!! This new version is terrible and terrible!!

Spend lots energy, feel so tired and twice a week....

But I'm still lovin' it~

Jab Jab!!! Uppercut Uppercut!!!

Elbow Elbow!!! Hook Hook!!!

Knee Knee!!! Kick Kick!!!

所有語言中最難過的字 --- 但願


04 December, 2005

Million Dollar Baby (登峰造擊)





登峰造擊???? ----> No...... or maybe yes

為保尊嚴跟勇氣 毅然選擇來安息,

如果結局告訴你 是否仍然走下去?


A. Hilary Swank's acting is PERFECT

(A woman performed the facial expression as a girl),

of course Clint Eastwood and Morgan Freeman are also.

B. This character "Danger" has some meanings.

C. Sometimes you got hurt, you got sweet.

D. Fly there, drive back. ---> Almost cried! Still keep optimistic....

Everything in boxing is backward.

Many people never got their shots in the life.

Always protect yourself.

All right. I'm gonna disconnect your air machine, then you're gonna go to sleep.
Then I'll give you a shot, and you'll... stay asleep.
Mo cuishle means "My darling, my blood."

Anybody can lose one fight, anybody can lose once,
you'll come back from this you'll be champion of the world.



It's a nice movie, but I'm not talk about movie.

Lots people have been crashing my life, especially in this English Club.

First from Lorien, Jungle, then Cynthia, Emilia, Randolph, up to now, Selena.

Different thinking crashes me again and again.

Always big thanks them for appearing in my life~


29 November, 2005

浪漫 (Romantic)

浪漫其實很容易 只要二人在一起

就算只是刷油漆 就算只是放個屁

浪漫其實很容易 凡事不用太刻意

簡單一個笑咪咪 簡單一句我愛妳

浪漫其實很容易 即使分隔在二地

短短一封的訊息 卻溫暖整個身體

浪漫其實很容易 隨時隨地都可以

彼此心和心相繫 苦澀也會變甜蜜


Why I wrote this?

'Coz I saw my neighbor and his wife yesterday, they were painting their house.

I admire and envy them so much~~

How many couples can join hands together for several years, but are still sweet and happy?

Hope everyone can find your true Mr. Right/Snow White.

27 November, 2005

陽春麵 (Plain Noodle)

它的相貌平凡 它的味道平淡

沒有華麗裝扮 只有清純內涵

清湯麵條置碗 白菜青蔥相伴

清淡 清淡

偶爾來顆魯蛋 再來一盤豆干

人生過的簡單 快樂來的自然


Happy Birthday to Jungle

Made a song for you~~

Melody : 向著未來(Kiroro) -- 後來(劉若英)



I hope you luck everyday~~


Hope you life goes on no delay~~

(生活沒有 delay, 表示事情都照著你的計畫走!)


I hope you any follows your way~~


Hope you happy birthday~~



My Introduction --- II

Melody : 愛海滔滔 by 陳浩民


My name is Barry, living Taipei County.

Major is E.E., have so many hobbies.

Go swimming and go singing,

go mountain climbing and watching..... TV.


19 November, 2005

Courses in Club

舞步繁多很charming, Pose 絕對要注意. (Latin Aerobics)

音樂節奏high又急 , 打到汗水直直滴 . (Body Combat)

心平氣和動作輕 , 穩定平衡和元氣 . (Body Balance)

手酸腳酸練肌力 , but Almost kill me! (Body Pump)

Anyway, all of them are so funny!


My Introduction --- I

Melody : 三暝三夜 by Jacky Wu

It's the one of my favorite songs.


My name is Barry, and my major is E.E.

(想妳三暝三日 從頭到尾把妳想一遍)

I live in Taipei County, three people in my family.

(明知影無彩工 風吹草動嘛心震動)

I'm interested in following,


reading, swimming and watching TV.


And my personality, it must be optimistic.

(乎妳帶走的我的靈魂 只有是隨風亂紛飛)

16 November, 2005


飛上天 飛上天 穿越雲層的上面

一切美景盡眼前 所有煩惱都不見

往下潛 往下潛 鑽到海底的下面

可愛魚兒繞身邊 悠遊徜徉海水間





Work Abroad or Government?

Today after Body Combat, on my home way.

Suddenly, I was thinking about the work abroad thing.

'Cause I've never thought about that~

I have no girlfriend, I have no misgivings besides my parents.

Maybe I should try to expand my view of world.

Maybe give myself 1 year, I will try my best to strive for working abroad.

Try my best to gain the chance, if no then go back to governmental exam.

Anyway, still thinking and keep studying.

09 November, 2005


時間是個最好的 療養劑



深深埋藏腦海的 角落裡


Help Others

In the travel of my life, knew a lots people who had ever helped me~

I always thank them for happening in my every step.

Also thanks for God's pity.

It's kind of I am a little selfish 'coz I seldom do my best to help others.

But I believe I can, I do, and I will try.

06 November, 2005

True Love





Do you agree?

My Daily Life

Monday : Study for exam

Tuesday: Body Pump, Latin Aerobics (Got the sence of achievement if I can)

Wednesday: Body Combat (I'm Lovin' it)

Thursday: Study for exam

Friday: Body Combat (I'm Lovin' it)

Saturday: Activities (swimming, mountain climbing, have a meal with friends......)

Sunday : English Club, watch movies at home

31 October, 2005

English Club 2004 Anniversary

時光匆匆快向前, 不知不覺也一年,

英文進步有一點, 認識了不少成員.

工作經常忙翻天, 法國是第一志願, (Lorien)

聊天內容很多元, 日本文化很鑽研, (Jungle)

博學多聞超歆羨, 幽默風趣得人緣, (Randolph)

認真用功又勤勉, 狀態永遠是上線, (Jennifer)

聰明可愛多主見, 常常語出人驚豔, (Emilia)

古靈精怪. . ., 歌聲甜美又穩健, (Anita)

生活忙碌沒時間, 目標地球繞一圈. (Cynthia)


30 October, 2005

English Club 2004 Anniversary -- to be continue

Last 10/29, an English Club was established, time flies so fast,

today we had an anniversary party,

--- Part A is "文字接龍" ---

Mmmmmm, a little bit boring.

--- Part B is "超級比一比" ---

More interesting and funny,

But some questions are too difficult such as "America", "E-Mail", "politician"....

--- Part C is Gift-changing(交換禮物) --

The result by lots as below,

● Lorien got Barry's I-Cash Card
( I-Cash Card 真是一個好禮物啊! 實用又方便! 嗯, 很用心~)

● Randolph got Lorien's 去角質洗面乳
( 嗯............ 去角質很不錯耶~ 下次可以看到美美的 Randolph~ )

● Jennifer got Cynthia's cup of Disney and a beautiful card made by Cynthia.
( 禮物包裝的超用心, 卡片也作的超棒! 感受到用心~ 雖然聽說那個蝴蝶結不好拆.....)

● Cynthia got Jennifer's Cool Pack(冷冷包)
( .............. 上面一堆 "韓文", 看不懂... 除了冷冷包好像還有一些貼紙?? )

● Anita got Randolph's "Dennis the Menace(淘氣阿丹)" DVD
( 聽說 Anita 蠻想要的, 這麼巧, 剛好抽到~ )

● Stephaniee got Anita's 薰香
( 薰香好耶....緩和神精... 裡頭還有卡片, 不錯~ )

● Barry got Stephaniee's Card Collector
( 嘿嘿..... 還不錯用 , 手上有一堆朋友名片和餐廳名片, 好放又好找~ )

22 October, 2005

I don't understand!

人潮交通很擁擠 星空夜色很美麗

周遭環境似隔離 歡樂氣息無關係

夜晚氣溫有些低 內心更像在北極

相隔不久再一起 感覺卻不再熟悉

二顆心雖在隔壁 距離卻似千萬里

無論如何很感激 曾經美好的回憶

Far Radio!

I attended a singing contest at Far Radio before.

Every attendee would get the remembrance---- A Cap.

When I went to their place, they asked me to make a live singing then gave me the cap.

Anyway, it's funny~

16 October, 2005

Nothing I Will Be Afraid

The title was copied from --- Fly Away. (F.I.R.)

One of my friends is under too much pressure on her master's thesis.

Just say something to her~

放輕鬆 放輕鬆



放輕鬆 放輕鬆



Went singing with friends of English Club

Today went singing with friends of English Club, total were 5 people.

Mmmmmm, everyone sang very very well.

It's a nice afternoon and I enjoyed all of your performances.

Rainy Afternoon

穿過冰冷玻璃 外面的陰暗天氣,

不知窗外的妳 心情是否也如一?

Peacock Forest

Nice one~ jht(Jack Hate Titanic, 痞子蔡) is my favorite writer.

I've collected all his works, such as "The First Intimate Contact(第一次的親密接觸)",

"Mistletoe(槲寄生)", "Erev Shel Shoshanim(夜玫瑰)"......

Up to the latest one --- Peacock Forest(孔雀森林)

Still a very good work!! Waiting for your next one!

07 October, 2005

Thanks GOD!!

有時回頭看從前, 真的很感謝老天,

當兵精實很磨練, 凌晨起床來苦唸,

真的很感謝老天, 幸運拿第一志願!

二技觀念有改變, 些許成熟和觀點,

真的很感謝老天, 良師益友好空間!

畢業求職沒經驗, 緊張無措惶恐臉,

真的很感謝老天, 不知不覺也一年!

Talk with Japanese

Yesterday a Japanese Engineer called my colleague to look for me.

It's the second time Japanese Engineer wanted to talk with me.

But I'm not familiar with them, why me?

Just cause I always write some Japanese on the mail such as,

おはよう ございます! Barryさん, おげんきですか?

ありがとう ございます! ……

Actually I am afraid to talk with Japanese, for me it’s hard to get with their accent.

Anyway, it’s a nice experience~

28 September, 2005

If so

多希望雨不停, 說說笑笑到黎明,

多希望路無盡, 走走停停到白鬢.





It's the time~~

Before talked with a girl, her success encouraged me!

I have to get it done in one vigorous effort; otherwise I'll never get it!

This time, I'm seriously.

It's less than 80 days and only study hard.

Barry, Go for it and you will succeed!

18 September, 2005

One Fine Day

[-- 早上, 和英文讀書會的朋友 "鶯歌一日遊", 5人 --]

和薑果(Jungle)/蘿芢(Lorien) 在讀書會認識也快一年囉 ~

真的真的真的真的很高興認識你們哦 .....


火車上有說有笑, 不知不覺己達到,

鶯博裡無所不包, 相關知識學不少,

午餐肉圓壽司飽, 便宜量多真是好.

飯後先去玩捏陶, 沒有天份實在糟,

老師蘿芢來指導, 最後成品還算妙.

天氣熱的受不了, 冷氣打牌喝飲料,

鶯歌石還不算高, 汗流浹背躲不掉,

美好一天劃句號, 期待下次的來到.

[-- 晚上, 和好友烤肉賞月, 6人 --]


天上水鏡亮又圓, 地上人兒忙又歡,

三五好友約相見, 齊去山上來賞天.

明月皎潔無缺陷, 銀色光芒滿天邊,

有說有笑沒侷限, 盡享平靜的時間.

*** 喜歡人少的感覺 ***

16 September, 2005

Go dancing~~ Part-2

Today was my first time to attend the class.

First one was "Body Combat(戰鬥有氧)",

I like the rhythm and it's very interesting.

But...... "Almost kill me!!!" So tired!!

Second one was "Body Balance(身心靈平衡)",

Mmmmm, it's very comfortable and relaxed.

Very ...... zzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZ

Anyway, this experience was not bad.

14 September, 2005

Stop watching me!

不要這樣看著我, 再看我會變害羞,

你是很可愛沒錯, 但我不能這樣做,

秀外慧中很清秀, 身材良好沒贅肉,

小可不要再舔我, 摸了我又要洗手.

Go dancing~~ Part-1

Body Combat(戰鬥有氧), Power Yoga(強力瑜珈)......

It's a fitness club, there are classes and equipments.

For me, learning dance is my main purpose.

I don't care about those equipments,

because I can do push-up, sit-up at home, go jogging in the playground......

Easy to say, I like natural!

Its classes are partial to "Aerobic exercises" and I prefer "Hip-Hop".

But I think it's ok~ Learning more~

Another important thing is ...... it's FREE~~~ ^^"

12 September, 2005

Free writing

西雅圖的臉 令人看不厭,

就像躺在沙灘望著藍天 曾經的畫面.

喜愛妳的眼 令人夜未眠,

就像一腳踏入只能往前 無限的迴圈.

It's Not Enough!

I have been participating in an English Club almost 1 year,

practice my speaking and listening.

But it's still not enough!!

Yesterday I phoned America for my personal business.

God! I could not understand what they were talking about!!!!

Even though they repeated and spoke slowly......


Need to study hard!

10 September, 2005

聯誼 (Get-Together)

聯誼真的好有趣, 不同類型的異性.

聯誼真的傷腦力, 需要不斷想話題.

因為妳坦率聰明, 這樣把票投給妳.

事後也感到訝異, 我在你的選擇裡.

真的高興妳願意, 吃飯電影聊東西.

祝妳工作很順利, 天天開心無憂慮!

PS. It's a song, I mean, it can be sung. ^^"

Nice night

With a nice friend, had a nice talk, a nice dinner (Dim Sum 港式飲茶),

a nice movie (Wedding Crashers 婚禮終結者).

It's a wonderful night! Thank you so much for your time~

07 September, 2005

2 days 1 night in Kenting

Perfect trip except the HOT SUN!!

First day,

Enjoy sunshine, breakfast...... on the sandy beach.

Guess where am I and what does it mean? Ans:YMCA

Sheding Park(社頂公園)

Eluanbi Park(鵝鑾鼻公園)

3 in 1 water activies

Night street and hot girls~

Second day,

7 Holes Waterfall(七孔瀑布)

Roamed around Love River(愛河)

29 August, 2005

Thanks a lot for your comment!

Dear Pseudoyou,

Thanks a lot for your comment!

Yes, improve English ability in a comprehensive manner is important,

I'll study my writing from now.

But I think it's difficult to have someone correct my errors except taking a class.

Anyway, I believe it will be improved by myself!

By the way, the clock in your blog is very special and ......

Ha!! In order to balance my brain, I also try left hand but only in writing~~

Thank you!

26 August, 2005

A little tired?

Each time when I posted this message

"Does anyone want to join our English Club?" I got A LOTS mails.

Then, some people never showed up and some just appeared once.

I will NEVER understand why they reply to me "I want" but actually not.

Maybe it's caused by no foreigner there, level doesn't suit them.....

What I got the most are,

Step 1, after I posted the message......

"I will join your club!"

Step 2, Then......

"Sorry, I am so busy these days."

"I will attend next time!"

Step 3, finally I got nothing.....

In the beginning, I trust you.

Finally I am just used that. It’s up to you if you won't come.

A little tired......

19 August, 2005


Reference: http://myurl.com.tw/mkam

In Taipei, most of people when they walk in the corridor they just look forward.

They seldom notice the detail thing around.

If you look over head you will find it -- The swallow.

They always nest on the ceiling of the hallway.

The nestling just stay there and waiting for their parents.

So cute and interesting~~

Next time when you pass the hallway, just stop at a short time for them!

Brain Storm

Recently I read a book(Play 無俚頭‧學英文) talks about brain storm,

just share some with you~~ Hope you like it!!

1. What did Benjamin Franklin say when he discovered electricity?

Nothing. He was too shocked. ( shock )

2. Why do you go to bed?

Because the bed will not come to you. ( go to bed )

3. How can you go with sleep for seven days and not be tired?

Sleep at night. ( seven days )

4. Why is the vampire unpopular?

Because he is a pain in the neck. ( a pain in the neck 討人厭 )

5. What did the sick chicken say? ( 雞得了水痘會怎麼說? )

“I have the people-pox!” ( chicken pox )

6. What bird is with you at every meal?

A swallow.

7. Why did the teacher wear sunglasses?

Because the students were so bright!

8. Why is an eye doctor like the teacher?

They both test the pupils.

16 August, 2005

Three English activities

In order to improve my English ability, I've joined three English activities as below,

1. Sunday : English Club.

( Discuss "Friends" and "articles" )


2. Friday : English Conversation (BYOC --Bring Your Own Coffee ) in Grace Baptist Church.

( Free talk )

3. Monday ~ Thursday : English Talk on Skype.

( Free talk, maybe have a topic )

I like that and know many friends come from different fields~~

And I gain a lot from these besides English.

15 August, 2005

World War II

World War II ended 60 years ago.

It's a terrible and sorrowful memory~

War results in death, separation......

That's it!!!

Hope PEACE is always in the world~

12 August, 2005

Tonight in GBC(懷恩堂)

Maybe it's caused by the rain cats and dogs, the audiences tonight were fewer ( 9, 10 people )

But the content is not bad, I felt relaxed and learned some slang in Charlie Time! ^^"

Such as "I don't buy it." ----> "I don't believe it."

"I'm beat." ----> "I'm tired."

"big guns" ----> "ace"

"blimp" ----> Very very fat person.

"I'm going to get Z's." ----> "I'm going to sleep."




07 August, 2005


Church is like another world.

What I'm interested in Church is,

1. Know more friends come from different fields and expand my sight.

2. Gain some truths.

3. Practice my English.

I knew a person at English Conversation in GBC(Grace Baptist Church--懷恩堂).

He is very wise and taught me a lot.

I spend time to read many books, why I miss this -- Bible ---

the best and popular one in the world.

That's unnecessary to be a Christian, I still can read Bible.

The only reason to read Bible is,

I'll learn something and apply to my life, not just for worship.

By the way, here are 2 websites you can get Bible if you want,



03 August, 2005


These 2 days I worked with a foreigner,

his name is "Money" and Chinese name is "錢多多".

So interesting!!

He comes from Dallas and always looks so happy.

He must be an optimist. (Hope I can, too.)

I appreciate that he can understand my poor English~~~

Oh~~ By the way, I learned one,

"Are you still up?" ------> Guess what it means.

"Are you still on line?"

Got it? Haha~~~~

30 July, 2005

Explore Physics & Stealth

Today my friends and I visited the Exposition of Explore Physics

(2005科學季---探索物理博覽會) in Chiang kai-shec memorial hall.

It's free and so interesting.

You can learn some physics happened in your life.

It's worth spending time in there.

After that, we went to the movies for "Stealth"

(2005; 機戰未來; Josh Lucas, Jessica Biel)

Perfect one!!

Excellent skill in filming, story is not bad.

Exciting from the beginning to the end!!

25 July, 2005

Laugh ----- Real or not?

Have you ever thought when the first time you laughed was?

I believe the first it must be real and heartfelt!

The more I grow, the more I lost. (Copy this from my friend!)

Sometimes I laughed, but I just change the shape of my mouth.

What's happened?

Why now I can not laugh like children --- simple, innocent, pure and from the bottom of my heart.....

24 July, 2005

Different thinking

So glad to join English Club and GBC English Conversation.

I knew a lots different people, got different thinking and expand my sight.

I understood "Think global, act local",

but I never think about foreign things and always focus on Taiwan.

Now my mind had a little change and started to consider that......

18 July, 2005

Watching movies

Recently, I watched some movies such as

● "Mona Lisa Smile(2003; 蒙娜麗莎的微笑; Julia Roberts, Kirsten Dunst; 6.1)"

The scenes are beautiful, the structure is too huge~~

I do not totally understand the story, I need to know the background.

● "Coach Carter(2005; 卡特教頭; Samuel L. Jackson; 6.8)"

Nice one! I like Samuel's acting and all sentences from Mr. Carter!

And the scenes are almost real!

● "The Polar Express(2004; 北極特快車; Tom Hanks; 6.9)"

Nice one!!

● "Hide and Seek(2005; 捉迷藏; Robert De Niro, Dakota Fanning; 5.4)"

I like Robert & Dakota's acting. So good!!

But I don't understand why it only got 5.4 points at IMDB.

● "Madagascar(2005; 馬達加斯加; David Schwimmer[Ross], Ben Stiller; 6.3)"

So funny and cute! You know? Ross dubs giraffe (Melman).

● "Mr. and Mrs. Smith(2005; 史密斯夫婦; 6.7)"

I slept after 30 minutes...... It didn't attract me.

● "Star Wars: Episode III -

Revenge of the Sith (2005; Ewan McGregor, Natalie Portman; 7.9)"

Actually, I went to the movie theater, and.......

I slept there about 1.5 hours...... >"<

17 July, 2005

Go abroad!!


ALL of our English members had ever gone to abroad......

Such as England, Japanese, French, Belgium, Holland, Luxembourg......

Wuwuwu...... I haven't left Taiwan so far~~~~

But it's OK!! I am still young and I must have the chance in the future!!

Traveling around the world. ( !!?? Can I???)

11 July, 2005

Just laughed with a little bitter

When I arrived, many problems waited for me!

In the beginning, I almost cried.

After 5 minutes, I laughed!! Just laughed with a little bitter!

Why I laughed?

If I cried, problems were still there, right?

I changed it in the good mood to handle these!

10 July, 2005

Be used to speak English

I've been participating in an English Club from last October.

It's a nice opportunity to practice my speaking and listening.

Up to now, many members joined and quitted our club.

Maybe most of them are too busy, but I think it's ok.

Small group will be fine ( About 5 ~8 people )

Some members when we meet, we will talk to each other in English.

We are used to this way, even in Skype.

It's a good way to learn language by speaking it anytime.

08 July, 2005

I met old friends

I had a part-time job in 宏恩 Hospital in my senior summer vacation ( 2 years ago ).

The content was to do body exam for the freshman of university.

It's a nice experience because we visited a lots school such as FJU, TKU......

We also saw many different people, especial in FJU we met 林佑威.

Before yesterday, 宏恩 Hospital came to our company for body exam.

Some nurses looked me familiar, and then we talked about current situation.

They said we were just like Old friend and knew each other many years.

It's very interesting!! Maybe see you next time!!

07 July, 2005

Never Give Up

Our life is like a baseball game, sometimes trail sometimes not.

The only thing we know is, it'll over at the last 3 outs.

Until that, never give up anything.

Give it a try even if get Swing Strike.

06 July, 2005

' --------- What!

'<%@ Page Language="VB" %>

'<%@ Import Namespace="System.Data" %>

INSERT INTO Humans(Name, Gender, Goal_1, Goal_2, Goal_3, Goal_4)

VALUES('Barry Lin', 'Male', 'NTU', 'Piano', 'Dance', 'Magic')

05 July, 2005

Which one is your favorite?


Which one is your favorite?



int main(void)



int choice;


while(choice != 3 )




case 1: rugged();


case 2: smooth();


default: cout<<"This's not a choice.\n";






return 0;

void Show(void)


cout<<" Please enter which one is your favorite.\n"

"1) : The life is smooth.\n"

"2) : The life is rugged.\n"

"3) : Quit!!\n";


void smooth(void)


cout<<" Happy everyday!\n"

cout<<" Don't worry about anything!\n"

cout<<" Sometime will feel boring!\n"

cout<<" Sometime you will question yourself!\n";


void rugged(void)


cout<<"Maybe you will hate God!\n"

cout<<"When you overcome, you will thank God!\n"

cout<<"Challenge will be interesting!\n"

cout<<"Nothing will be a big deal!\n"

cout<<"Colorful life!\n";


Compiler: 0 Error 0 Warning

27 June, 2005

Nothing Special but Only Say THANK YOU

Just say something to the one I know.

You know what?

Our life is like a bus, people get on and get off at the different stops.

I am so lucky that most of the people who get on are good passengers.

Always thank God and keep gratitude in my mind.

24 June, 2005

Maybe after 4 months

I will start,

1. Practice Electrical Piano

Playing and singing by myself is my goal, write words for a song either.

2. Learn Dance

Hip-Hop, Poping, Breaking (If possible). So I can go to a party or a pub.

( You know why I took all those lessons? See, for the first time I didn’t want you to be embarrassed to be seen on the dance floor with some clumsy idiot )

3. A Graduate School

NTU is my goal (It's close to my home), and Master Degree is essential in the future.

Hope I can get the entrance ticket in 2006.

4. Learn Magic

Hey ~ Magic is so funny, mysterious. I like to see the one gets shocked.

I can not do it right now because everything is not stable.

23 June, 2005

White Ants

OH! My! God!

Yesterday I found some white ants on my room,

You know what?

When you find them that means they already live for a while.

It's too late. Maybe they have a nest and many generations.

But I still have to try my best to clean.

Hope white ants go away my home!!!

22 June, 2005


I bought some shares from my company. ----- ESPP ( Employee Stock Purchase Plans )

Before I sold them, I should fill with the form ( W-8 form ).

But I forgot, the system assumed that I was an U.S. resident.

I will be taxed 28% from my total gross proceeds ( Cost + Income, not for Income!! ).

The only way to get back my money is to fill with 1040NR form. ( "NR" means "Nonresident" )

It's very complicated and all of the documents are English...... >"<

In order to get back my money, I have to pay much attention to this.

I deserved what I should deserve.

21 June, 2005

Skype --- Part2

These days I used Skype to talk with my friends in English.

The quality is not bad, just like you talk on the telephone.

You also can use "Search" to talk with someone who is applicable to your conditions.

It's good software, for make friends or practice English.

18 June, 2005


I bought a microphone & earphone yesterday for Skype.

What's the purpose?

I would like to practice my English more.

I'll find the people on internet and talk with them in English.

12 June, 2005

Dream Lover

Some friends asked me, "What's the condition for choosing your dream lover?"

I have no idea, mayby only "Personality Match".

Before I was jealous of someone who had mate.

Now, sometimes I will feel alone,

but most time even I am alone, I won't feel alone!

Is it because I become mature?

I don't know when will meet her, but I believe "Fortune" (In Chinese we call "緣")

08 June, 2005

Good Looking

There are more and more beautiful girls today.

They know how to make-up and dressing to make them have a good looking.

But do they pay attention to their inner beauty? I am not sure!

Also, the divorce ratio is higher than previous.

I think that's the reason for someone to choose their mate carefully!

05 June, 2005

I Love Singing

I Love Singing (Please use the melody of Two Tigers)

I love singing! I love singing!

Very Like! Very Like!

Singing is happy! Singing is funny!

So easy! So easy!

How boring I am......

23 May, 2005

It's Over! --- Part2

The price in the contest as following,

Champion : NT$ 800

Runner-up : NT$ 500

Something is funny when we left the school.

I picked up NT$ 600!!!

Maybe God pitied on our effort and thought that we were runner-up. ^^"

Of course, I treated my friends attended for our performance.

My partner and I.

20 May, 2005

Busyness? I Like It!

This month I was a little busy, such as Exam, TV program, singing contest.

Busyness means time will fly so fast, I don't know it's good or not.

I like busyness except for my JOB.

It's Over!

It's over! Although we didn't get any prize, we completed a song on the stage.

We didn't have too much time to prepare for this contest, because I was not sure if we could attend.

This was for students, and I graduated last year.

We still have to practice more for next one!

Every time when I attend contest,

Before, practice and practice, nervous!

After, I always have the sense of loss, it seems to lose something.

Anyway, it must be a nice memory after 10 or 20 years.

15 May, 2005

Guitar Folk Song Contest

My colleague and I attend a singing contest.

It's unplugged, and my colleague will play guitar.

We chosen "童話" by 光良 as our song, these days we practiced and practiced.

It's hard to sing with emotions.

Anyway, Thursday is coming, we still have to practice hard.

Good luck!

10 May, 2005

Failed Again in "Giant Riches"

At 05/07, We attended the Live TV program "Giant Riches (超級大富翁)" again.

Although the time of this program extend a half hour, we still could not pass the test event.

~>"<~ ...... One group "NTU Law" they were too lucky and smart.

They spent about 30 minutes but not finished, next week will continue.

We will get it next time!!!

BTY, please don't ask me why we always have the same pose, we don't have a good idea.

22 April, 2005


One day when I watched TV, I happened to be Harlem(庾澄慶)'s show,

and the guest was Nicholas Tse(謝霆鋒).

I heard the single voice by Nicholas and the song was "Goodbye".

Wow!! How beautiful the melody & lyric & sound are!!!

It's my first time to know this song, I love it from this moment on!

Hope you like it, too!

19 April, 2005

I Got The Point!

I like to go swimming so much because it's a comfortable and safe exercise.

I do free-stroke and breast-stroke.

Before, I always swam about 100 M and take a break.

It's not because I was in a state of exhaustion but the spit.

Last week I found if I didn't take a break and continued,

I could swim about 800 M and there was no spit issue.

Also, I didn't feel tired.

What I learn is, "Do Not Stop and Keep Swim!"

17 April, 2005

First Exam This Year

Today I just finished my first exam this year.

It's governmental exam, there is another one on May.

During this week I didn't sleep well. You know what?

That meant I was serious.

I was serious to prepare for this exam.

On the other hand, I will pass this year!

09 April, 2005

April 08, the last day

She taught me lots when I just came here.

She works hard, and has kind, nice personality.

She and I worked at the same area.

In order to face more challenges, she quitted.

Something was strange, I got the information she would quit for a long while (Last year she told me already).

When she was there, I thought it's ok;

But when she left, I felt so sad and so lonely.

It's not the reason I'll be responsible for her work but I lost a nice partner and friend.

Sincerely hope she can find an ideal job as soon as possible.

08 April, 2005


I love this song so much when I heard it at first time.

This song "愛錯" is in Lee Hom's new album "心中的日月".

I love its lyric, melody and MV, especially the melody.

For me, it's a nice one but hard to perform. Why? There are 3 reasons,

A. Key is higher.
B. Key is higher.
C. The same with A.

Also, it used too much falsetto.

Anyway, I love it!

30 March, 2005

My Auto Answer Message

I recorded a message in my cell phone, it'll play if someone call me and I am busy.

At first I used the melody " Almost Over You ", now I changed to " 癡心絕對 ".

It's only 15 sec to record.

Maybe after some days, I will make another one.

Is it boring?


My name is Barry and I'm so busy,


If you want to talk me I just can say SORRY.


Please leave your name and message,


I will call you later when I am.... I am free.

(真正愛你的人獨自守著... 傷悲)


29 March, 2005

Power walking

I like to do exercise such as go swimming, mountain climbing, play table tennis and so on.

During weekday, I don't have too much time so I jog instead of swimming.

I found some reports said jog will hurt our knees, and therefore I tried power walking.

But power walking is so boring than jog and spends more time.

I have no idea.

Maybe I will still jog and maintain in low frequency to keep my knees in a good status.

27 March, 2005

Yahoo Auction

I needed a book which was useful in governmental exam.

I was lazy to go to Taipei for this book, so I searched in Yahoo Auction.

Luckily, I found one which was cheaper and the owner is near my home.

It's my second time to have a transaction in internet.

First time it's for electrical keyboard.

By the way, both the owners are pretty girls. ^^"

23 March, 2005

What can I get when make a girlfriend

1. I will taste lots delicious food in the world!

2. I will travel in lots beautiful places.

3. I will know how to write a song and a poem.

4. I will know how to do some arts by my hand.

5. I will know many jokes.

6. I will take care about my dressing and behavior.

7. I will understand what is LOVE.

8. I will ......




20 March, 2005

3 people in KTV for 7 hours

Last Saturday I went singing with my friends.

We were only 3 people but sang for 7 hours because of this KTV is so cheap.

It's my second time to have this situation in KTV( 3 People 7 Hours).

Actually, it's a very nice experience you can sing any song you like,

because you have much time and it's good to practice the skill of singing.

We all like singing, and we think maybe 7 hours is still not enough~~ ^^"

Do you think it's crazy?

15 March, 2005

My daily routine

Before, my daily routine was, Sleeping, working, studying, surf internet, others (eating or rest......).

In order to pass the coming exam, I adjusted a few parts as below,

Studying (/), Sleep (\), Surf internet (\).

Recently I found it became,

Studying (--), Sleep (/), Surf internet (\). My sleeping was increasingly!!

Oh My God!! Oh My God!! Oh My God!! Oh My God!! Oh My God!! Oh My God!! Oh My God!!

It's not my expectation!

05 March, 2005

Attend TV Program

My friends and I attended a Live TV program "Giant Riches (超級大富翁)" in TTV.

It's my first time and it's a nice experience.

Because of the rule was vague and we lost about 0.2 Sec to another group,

We lost the chance to show on TV and get the first prize. ~>"<~

But don't worry, it's OK and we will continue to attend!

Go for it~~

Had a picture with Lucky Girl~~

28 February, 2005

Have a Cater

In Chinese, there are many chances to have a cater,

Just like Wedding, Election...... and so on.

That's not my point, I attended a cater recently.

You would see stage, anchorwoman and SPECIAL SHOW.

There were HOT girls sang and danced, also they wore just a little bit!

Hot Hot Hot!!! Hot Hot Hot!!! Hot Hot Hot!!!

These girls went around the tables and shook someone.

You can shake actively, too.

Of course I didn't do that because I was so shy.

Is it a good way?

Since I will have exams this year, and these days I slept with some music via USB storage disk.

I have an idea to push myself study hard, I can record some something when I lie on the bed such as,


Who will pass the exams this year?

Must be BARRY!!!

Who is the best one?

Must be BARRY!!!

Whose dream will come true this year?

Must be BARRY!!!




BARRY, you must study hard!

BARRY, you can achieve your goal this year!

BARRY, just do it!

BARRY, your dream will come true this year!


Is it a good way? It's like "Hypnotism".

25 February, 2005

Go singing with my colleagues

Yesterday my company treated us to KTV.

Wow!!! Everyone sang so nice~~

Although it's only three hours, we still had a lot of fun.

I'll practice more on my singing skill!


This month, I only went jogging twice and went swimming once!!!

God~~~ Just because I gave up to the cold weather and the rain?

But the good thing is, I've started studying hard for my dream everyday!

I believe it will come true this year!!!

Please give me the full and best wishes. ^^"

12 February, 2005

Nice Movies

1. Bruce Almighty (2003; 王牌天神; Jim Carrey, Jennifer Aniston, Morgan Freeman )

It's not only a comedy but also enlightens us.

The road of life must be rugged and rough.

Happiness depends on how you treat everything you meet.

Don't complain to God, life or someone else. It is useless!

2. One Fine Day (1996; 一日鍾情; Michelle Pfeiffer, George Clooney )

First I have to say, "George is so handsome and Michelle is very beautiful."

It's romantic and funny film.

Michelle's acting was very perfect to perform the divorced mother.

Also the plot was not common as you've seen.

Nice one!

3. Ice Age (2002; 冰原歷險記)

It's a CUTE animated cartoon!

I am done.

09 February, 2005

Chinese New Year's Eve

My friends and I played card in New Year's Eve, it's my first time to play for money.

Of course we just played for a little bit.

Maybe it's my day, the result was not bad.

Hope I can keep the luck this year!

Write Something Freely

Sometimes I always like to write something freely for fun or memory.

In junior high school, I wrote on my communication book;

In the military, I did on the composition book.

My company commander thought it's interesting, and asked me to stay my composition book when I left.

Most of them don't need too much time and are made in a moment.

Anything I will write, it depends on the mood.

There is one was made before I left the army as below.

與君認識 X X年 , 與汝相見多次面 ,

幼時經常共遊玩 , 百貨電影遊樂園 .

對汝當時很愛戀 , 感覺至今仍不變 ,

惜成年各一片天 , 光陰拉遠我倆間 .

後各自有異性戀 , 交往不久都斷線 ,

我報效國家磨練 , 妳無故休學不唸 .

時光勿勿快如箭 , 往事彷彿在昨天 ,

退伍即將在眼前 , 且妳重考是今年 .

願妳我中好學院 , 共勉共進共惜緣 ,

軍旅使我成熟點 , 而妳是否有改變 ?

30 January, 2005

She Is Not Only A Dog

There is a mountain in front of my home, I always like to go mountain climbing in the weekend.

I knew her in the mountain about 9 years when she was a doggy.

Her name is "white"

( Not "WHITE". You know, in Taiwan we always like to name the pet according to their color of fur. )

She had a younger sister called "yellow", but she was missing after I knew them about 1 year. ~>"<~

I think "white" is the best dog I've seen in the world.

Maybe she don't have the skills that you can see in TV program, she is still the best & unique one.

I'm afraid that I will be no longer to know this kind of dogs in my life.

She lives in the mountain, I'll play with her when I go mountain climbing.

"white" is not only a dog, she is my best friend!!

This Chinese New Year I'll bring her a big meal and play with her.

I believe she will be glad!!

19 January, 2005

Do Exercise

I have been going swimming at least twice a week for one year.

Have a healthy body is so important!

Before, I always played basketball & gone mountain climbing.

Now I like to go swimming so much, because it makes me feel comfortable and it's not easy to get hurt.

My experiment is: Need less sleep if you do exercise more!

For the exams in the future, I must have more energy.

Besides going swimming, I go running twice a week to enhance my physical strength.

Healthy body is wealth!!

16 January, 2005

What is Happiness

Have a lot of money to buy something you like,

Have the power to control anything.

Do they mean happiness? Maybe, I'm not sure.

But...... have you ever thought?

When the weather is so cold, very cold,

have a hot meal or even a hot glass of water ( Of course, it must be HOT! ^^" ),

It can be happiness.

See, happiness is so easy to occur in our life, right?

12 January, 2005

What is PGE

Many friends ask me what the abbreviation "PGE" means in my MSN display.

Now I will tell you the abbreviation "PGE" is "Pass Government Exam".

When I achieve it, maybe my next MSN display will be "NTU".

Only Pass Government Exam

I will pass government exam this year(2005) and believe I can make it!!! ( Seriously... )

Still remembered when I was enlisted for military service, life was hard and time was limited.

In order to make good use of the military life, I studied hard during the early hours of the day and on holidays.

Maybe God had pity on my efforts and earnest, I passed the entrance exam of my desirous school during the military service.

Now I'm working, but I think I still can have chances to study.

This year my goal is to pass government exam, in the future I will get the NTU Master Degree!

Where there's a will, there's a way.

08 January, 2005

Resident Performer

My friends and I ate out yesterday.
Something special in that place was the resident performer.
It's my first time to enjoy the meal and the performance at the same hour!
The resident performer was a girl and played on two kinds of musical instrument -- piano & electrical piano.

It seemed there was only piano on her world even though the environment was so noisy.
When the noisiness was higher, she played low;
when the noisiness was lower, she played loud.
It looked like she knew how to control the atmosphere in a better state.

She was playing seriously and fluently, with her beautiful melody, I felt comfortable!
I'll get more chances to eat in such place!

02 January, 2005

Face Your Fear

If have a fear of heights, you go to the top of the building!
If you're afraid of bugs..... get a bug. Right.

White Collar Workers VS. Students

I had graduated from university for 6 months.
Before I left school, I had a plan in the future --- A Master degree or A job.
The Master degree might be my latest educational background.
Only NTU could be my aspiration, because it's the best one and it's nearby my home.

But I failed the entrance exam of NTU.
I just could look for a job and hoped in 2005 I'll come back!
After I got my first salary(It's my first job!), I thought about my future again.
Is it necessary to get Master degree?
If so, is it necessary to study in daytime?
Maybe I can study at nighttime.

Frankly speaking, my purpose is not only for Master degree, I want to play and play in the two years!!
It's might be the latest chance to have the True school life.
But...... when I got salary, I could buy something I liked, I could supported my family.
In the Real World, MONEY is all.

My new plan in 2005 is "Pass the entrance exam of government"!!!
And I'll study master at nighttime in the future!!!
Hope my dreams will come true!!!
You too.

29 December, 2004

Miserable Day

It's a very very miserable day in the world at December 26.
Up to now, the confirmed death toll from the massive tsunami that devastated much of South Asia's coastline passed 55,000.
How terrible the scenes showed in TV !!!
More over 1/3 people who dead in this disaster were under 18 years old!
I'll donate charitable institution some money which is for new year cost.
Yes, it's a little bit help.
But if every one do that, it'll become powerful!
Never look down on your little money and just do it!

26 December, 2004

My Christmas


In the Christmas Eve, My friends and me ate big meal at flagship of Jogoya(上闔屋).

After big meal, we took a picture with the large-sized pneumatic doll and the trees which had a variety of colors.

Finally we gone to Maokong(貓空) to see beautiful night view and play card.

It's a funny night!


Originally, we would go to the movies and then go to the party in FJU.

When we arrived movie theater, there was a crowd of people in the line for buying tickets.

And most of their purposes was the same with us --- Seeing "Kung Fu Hustle".

We didn't go to party because we just bought the late showing.

It's a nice movie! Had different styles than early.

Stephen Chow was growing up to a higher level, and his fans had to grew up, too.

23 December, 2004

To Face Your Problems

These days I met some problems in my job.

It puzzled me so much because I didn't have any idea.

In the beginning, I felt sad and the time I stayed at office was longer than usual.

I found some clues everyday, but the new problems occurred.

It was interesting just like the jigsaw, try to find which one will be put in correct place.

Finally, it'll be completed!

To face your problems, it'll become half.

To avoid your problems, it'll become double!

20 December, 2004

What the life I expect

In my third year of university, I hoped I could work on big companies such as Foxconn, ASUS, BenQ in the future.

I wanted to learn lots of professional knowledge & skills.

Six months before graduation, I changed my idea.

Because I wouldn't like this kind of life ------ When I wake up, I work. There are

only two things in my world, Work & Sleep.

I'll like to have more leisure time to do what I like.

For example, I want to learn dance( Hip-Hop, Breaking, Wave, Poping ......), play

electrical keyboard, learn magic, compose lyrics...... and so on. Maybe I won't be

rich in money, but I'll be rich in happiness.

I believe only work on government can own this life. Although this year I failed in government exam, next year I'll get it!!


Now I worked for 6 months, the job is not bad, the salary is good, the company is nearby my home, I get along well with my colleagues, my bosses are good!

Do I have to persist in government job?

I am not sure yet!

12 December, 2004

Go Mountain Climbing

I like to go mountain climbing because I can see beautiful view.
Besides that, I can have physical training, my soul will be refreshed.
And it won't cost me too much money.
Look! It's so nice! Right?

08 December, 2004

Play an Electric Piano!

I like singing, sometimes I would like to write lyrics.
Only singing won't satisfy me, what my dream is: singing and playing musical instruments by myself.

I've ever thought about a Guitar or an Electric Piano be my major.
Finally I chosen an Electric Piano, because it has more performances than a Guitar.
I bought an secondhand Electric Piano from a girl study at NTU and it's a nice one.

I met some problems in the beginning such as I can not play on both hands.
And my fingers is too short so that I can not play over two tunes if the distance is too far.
But I think it's okay, "Where there's a will, there's a way."

07 December, 2004

Be yourself!

I knew a guy in the University, he has an excellent ability & knowledge in the major. Maybe the people I know is not a lot, but I believe he is one of the BEST in the world!This year, he entered a famous graduate school via recommend exam. If he want, he can have a good performance during the two years.After he graduated, he can entered a good company and get a good position & salary.

But..... he decided to suspend his graduate schooling. He spent one year to do this difficult decision and I believe nobody can understood more than him. He said "I know some of you had expected that I can achieve something. Maybe! For now, I want to be myself! ".

I agree with his decision. Today, most of people think that they have to finish their education until Master or even Doctor degree. They think if they have higher education, they can get more money & good job.Yes, maybe it right! But, have you ever thought: Is it the way you really want? Are you really happy? Many people spend many time to finish their education, they know nothing, unhappy, but they have to do!It's not totally their wrong, The Education System in Taiwan has to sustain the responsibility.

For my friend, I believe maybe there are 99% people will say " it's a pity! ". But I also believe if someone spend a lots time to think himself/herself, he/her will be happy!
Hope all of you can be yourself!
Go for it!

06 December, 2004

I am idiot!!!!!

God ~~~
Originally, I can go home early,
because I misunderstood the meaning of that mail, I spent extra 2 hours at office!
How stupid I am!!!! >"<

04 December, 2004

What's the song I like!

The following were the songs I like! Hope you like, too! ^^"
If you ask me why, maybe I'll tell you that's because the " feeling ".
For " Almost Over You ", first time I heard it from my young classmate.
At that time, we both participated in English Singing Contest.
She chosen this song and sang Very Very NICE.
All of the audiences fell in her beautiful sound!
Of course, she got the championship.
After that, I like this song.

" Almost Over You " by Sheena Easton
" I Think Of You " by Tata Young
" With You All The Time " by Gareth Gates
*********************************************************** /

03 December, 2004

About this guy ------ Barry

Name: Barry
Gender: Male
Age: 25 years old
Place of Birth: Taipei County, Taiwan
Education: Bachelor of Science in Engineering, NTUST
Interests: Go swimming, play KB, sing, surf internet, mountain climbing
(Sometimes write simple program, compose lyric)
What I want to learn: Dance, Magic
Goal: Travel around the world
Motto: Never Give Up!

Void Main(Void)
Life_Is_Short_Play_More(); // Do you agree?
Compiler: 0 Error 0 Warning
Hello~ I am Barry, welcome to my world! <( ̄︶ ̄)/ I just graduated from University in 2004. Now I am working and my job is engineer.
I like to make friends who come from different kinds of field or country.
Nice to meet you!! Y^_^Y
│ It's All! Thank you for your time! │

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