02 February, 2006
My 24 hours
My 24 hours: Courses in Fitness Club -- Movies -- Sleep -- Work.
● What I've been learning are,
Latin Aerobics(拉丁有氧) -- I love the music, dancing step.....
Body Combat(戰鬥有氧) -- Good music! Jam, uppercut, hook, knee.....
Body Pump(槓鈴雕塑) -- Tired but feel good!
Body Balance(身心靈平衡) -- Peaceful.
International Standard Dance(國標) -- New!!
Spinning(飛輪有氧) -- So so.
If I can, I hope to take Hi-Lo Aerobics(高低有氧) and Pilates(皮拉提斯).
● Recently the movies I've watched are,
Saw, SawII(奪魂鋸) ----> GOOD!
Divergence(三岔口) ---> Good acting.
Bug Me Not(虫不知), Just Like Heaven(出竅情人) ---> Cute movies
SPL(殺破狼) ---> Good Kung-Fu
They are also good ---> King Kong(金剛), Eraser in My Head(腦海中的橡皮擦),
Perhaps Love(因為愛), Memoirs Of a Geisha(藝妓回億錄),
The Motorcycle Diaries(革命前夕的摩托車日記), Fantastic Four(驚奇四超人).
● What I've been learning are,
Latin Aerobics(拉丁有氧) -- I love the music, dancing step.....
Body Combat(戰鬥有氧) -- Good music! Jam, uppercut, hook, knee.....
Body Pump(槓鈴雕塑) -- Tired but feel good!
Body Balance(身心靈平衡) -- Peaceful.
International Standard Dance(國標) -- New!!
Spinning(飛輪有氧) -- So so.
If I can, I hope to take Hi-Lo Aerobics(高低有氧) and Pilates(皮拉提斯).
● Recently the movies I've watched are,
Saw, SawII(奪魂鋸) ----> GOOD!
Divergence(三岔口) ---> Good acting.
Bug Me Not(虫不知), Just Like Heaven(出竅情人) ---> Cute movies
SPL(殺破狼) ---> Good Kung-Fu
They are also good ---> King Kong(金剛), Eraser in My Head(腦海中的橡皮擦),
Perhaps Love(因為愛), Memoirs Of a Geisha(藝妓回億錄),
The Motorcycle Diaries(革命前夕的摩托車日記), Fantastic Four(驚奇四超人).