14 September, 2005

Stop watching me!

不要這樣看著我, 再看我會變害羞,

你是很可愛沒錯, 但我不能這樣做,

秀外慧中很清秀, 身材良好沒贅肉,

小可不要再舔我, 摸了我又要洗手.

Go dancing~~ Part-1

Body Combat(戰鬥有氧), Power Yoga(強力瑜珈)......

It's a fitness club, there are classes and equipments.

For me, learning dance is my main purpose.

I don't care about those equipments,

because I can do push-up, sit-up at home, go jogging in the playground......

Easy to say, I like natural!

Its classes are partial to "Aerobic exercises" and I prefer "Hip-Hop".

But I think it's ok~ Learning more~

Another important thing is ...... it's FREE~~~ ^^"

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