08 March, 2006

Wow. Wow. All right, so I'm not winning director. (By George Clooney)

Lyric :

喬治克隆尼 真心的恭喜

奧斯卡男配角的獎勵 備受肯定的演技

喬治克隆尼 千萬別洩氣

最佳導演其實很在意 只要保持著實力

再接和再厲 總會到手裡

Melody :



Save a Dog or a person?

One day if you see a dog and a person are in danger of drowning,

which one you will save first?

It's hard to decide, I think.

If save that person, maybe, maybe in the future will hurt someone or more people.

I don't know how to say, too many BAD guys in the world now.

Because of them, the distance between one and one is getting far.

Still hope one day there is only nice person.

I'm truly hoped~


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