18 June, 2006


出了門口到走廊 一直望著同方向

總想像 現在的妳怎麼樣

明知結局已無望 秘密只能往心藏

就這樣 默默看著在遠方

如果有一天 我沒有到場

那表示 我想徹底把妳遺忘



I lost something important, my best colleague!

Yes, he has nice personalities and behavior.

Although his desk was always so messy.

Thanks to him~~

In my first year, he helped me so much.

I also learned a lot from him.

He is important for me~

Now he decided to quit for the job he wants.

Thank you and nice to know you, my best colleague~

Good luck!



到底喜歡那一點 內心更甚其表面

恆心毅力和勤勉 態度個性和笑臉


!! 只要喜歡對方的 "心 (Inner Beauty)" !!



You have to think too much

When you crash on someone, maybe you will think too much~

Or maybe you HAVE TO think so much~

To reduce the pain once get bad result.

Maybe she already got married and has 2 children.

Maybe she has a boyfriend for ten years.

Maybe she is over 50 years old.

Maybe she is a lesbian.

Maybe she ............


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