07 December, 2004

Be yourself!

I knew a guy in the University, he has an excellent ability & knowledge in the major. Maybe the people I know is not a lot, but I believe he is one of the BEST in the world!This year, he entered a famous graduate school via recommend exam. If he want, he can have a good performance during the two years.After he graduated, he can entered a good company and get a good position & salary.

But..... he decided to suspend his graduate schooling. He spent one year to do this difficult decision and I believe nobody can understood more than him. He said "I know some of you had expected that I can achieve something. Maybe! For now, I want to be myself! ".

I agree with his decision. Today, most of people think that they have to finish their education until Master or even Doctor degree. They think if they have higher education, they can get more money & good job.Yes, maybe it right! But, have you ever thought: Is it the way you really want? Are you really happy? Many people spend many time to finish their education, they know nothing, unhappy, but they have to do!It's not totally their wrong, The Education System in Taiwan has to sustain the responsibility.

For my friend, I believe maybe there are 99% people will say " it's a pity! ". But I also believe if someone spend a lots time to think himself/herself, he/her will be happy!
Hope all of you can be yourself!
Go for it!

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