09 January, 2006

Latin Show in End-Year-Party

Type : Latin

Song : Livin' La Vida Loca (Eddie Murphy / Antonio Banderas)

每每見人秀舞技, 總是羨慕又嘆息.

有時幻想腦海裡, 那天輪到我自己.

因緣際會能學習, 戰鬥槓鈴和拉丁.

今年尾牙的 party, 有幸能夠上台去.

雖然跳的 ugly, 總算留下了足跡.

辛苦教練的腦力, 編舞選歌和叮嚀.

(Thank you!! Coach & My partner!! It's a nice experience!)

練習練習再練習 期待前進大距離.

隨著音樂擺動的感覺真的很 happy!!

I'll just be hanging around the mistletoe, hoping to be kissed.


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