10 December, 2005
Best Friend's Wedding 12/10/2005
Congratulations on their happy marriage!
I'm so happy on their wedding and it's touching.
My friend also invited me to make a speech.
Oh.... I was so nervous when I stood on the stage,
even though I already prepared for lots times.
愛情長跑近十年, 終於抵達了終點,
俊男美女人歆羨, 交頸鴛鴦勝似仙,
不論世界多麼變, 攜手相伴到永遠.
祝福希望滿酒杯, 一飲而盡直下胃
不是想一人單飛, 也盼路上有人陪.
I'm so happy on their wedding and it's touching.
My friend also invited me to make a speech.
Oh.... I was so nervous when I stood on the stage,
even though I already prepared for lots times.
愛情長跑近十年, 終於抵達了終點,
俊男美女人歆羨, 交頸鴛鴦勝似仙,
不論世界多麼變, 攜手相伴到永遠.
祝福希望滿酒杯, 一飲而盡直下胃
不是想一人單飛, 也盼路上有人陪.