29 November, 2005

浪漫 (Romantic)

浪漫其實很容易 只要二人在一起

就算只是刷油漆 就算只是放個屁

浪漫其實很容易 凡事不用太刻意

簡單一個笑咪咪 簡單一句我愛妳

浪漫其實很容易 即使分隔在二地

短短一封的訊息 卻溫暖整個身體

浪漫其實很容易 隨時隨地都可以

彼此心和心相繫 苦澀也會變甜蜜


Why I wrote this?

'Coz I saw my neighbor and his wife yesterday, they were painting their house.

I admire and envy them so much~~

How many couples can join hands together for several years, but are still sweet and happy?

Hope everyone can find your true Mr. Right/Snow White.

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