19 August, 2005


Reference: http://myurl.com.tw/mkam

In Taipei, most of people when they walk in the corridor they just look forward.

They seldom notice the detail thing around.

If you look over head you will find it -- The swallow.

They always nest on the ceiling of the hallway.

The nestling just stay there and waiting for their parents.

So cute and interesting~~

Next time when you pass the hallway, just stop at a short time for them!

Brain Storm

Recently I read a book(Play 無俚頭‧學英文) talks about brain storm,

just share some with you~~ Hope you like it!!

1. What did Benjamin Franklin say when he discovered electricity?

Nothing. He was too shocked. ( shock )

2. Why do you go to bed?

Because the bed will not come to you. ( go to bed )

3. How can you go with sleep for seven days and not be tired?

Sleep at night. ( seven days )

4. Why is the vampire unpopular?

Because he is a pain in the neck. ( a pain in the neck 討人厭 )

5. What did the sick chicken say? ( 雞得了水痘會怎麼說? )

“I have the people-pox!” ( chicken pox )

6. What bird is with you at every meal?

A swallow.

7. Why did the teacher wear sunglasses?

Because the students were so bright!

8. Why is an eye doctor like the teacher?

They both test the pupils.

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