28 April, 2006

Would rather Strikeout but not Called Out on Strikes.

I love watching baseball game, enjoy the nice play or hits.

我很喜歡看棒球, 享受精彩的守備和打擊.

There is a well-known saying and I do believe that,

有一句很有名的話而且我很相信 ~

it is, "Would rather Strikeout but not Called Out on Strikes"

就是 "寧願揮棒落空也不要站著被三振"

Now I got a chance to bat, and it's full count.

現在我得到一個打擊的機會, 而且是滿球數.

I thought it's a fast ball and I swung.

我認為它是一顆快速球, 所以我揮棒了~

Never try, never fail.


To try or not to try, it's a question.


No matter what the result will be, I won't regret.

無論結果為何, 我也不會後悔.

I swung and at least I tried......

我揮棒了, 至少我試過了......


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