07 October, 2005
Thanks GOD!!
有時回頭看從前, 真的很感謝老天,
當兵精實很磨練, 凌晨起床來苦唸,
真的很感謝老天, 幸運拿第一志願!
二技觀念有改變, 些許成熟和觀點,
真的很感謝老天, 良師益友好空間!
畢業求職沒經驗, 緊張無措惶恐臉,
真的很感謝老天, 不知不覺也一年!
當兵精實很磨練, 凌晨起床來苦唸,
真的很感謝老天, 幸運拿第一志願!
二技觀念有改變, 些許成熟和觀點,
真的很感謝老天, 良師益友好空間!
畢業求職沒經驗, 緊張無措惶恐臉,
真的很感謝老天, 不知不覺也一年!
Talk with Japanese
Yesterday a Japanese Engineer called my colleague to look for me.
It's the second time Japanese Engineer wanted to talk with me.
But I'm not familiar with them, why me?
Just cause I always write some Japanese on the mail such as,
おはよう ございます! Barryさん, おげんきですか?
ありがとう ございます! ……
Actually I am afraid to talk with Japanese, for me it’s hard to get with their accent.
Anyway, it’s a nice experience~
It's the second time Japanese Engineer wanted to talk with me.
But I'm not familiar with them, why me?
Just cause I always write some Japanese on the mail such as,
おはよう ございます! Barryさん, おげんきですか?
ありがとう ございます! ……
Actually I am afraid to talk with Japanese, for me it’s hard to get with their accent.
Anyway, it’s a nice experience~