14 February, 2006

My Valentine's Day

Lyric :

今年的情人節 剛好有拉丁可以學

不至於像往年 平平淡淡的過一天

唉呀 一個人又何彷 二個人啊又怎樣

愛自己才是重點 開開心心看每一天


Melody :



Released paper lantern in PingShi (平溪放天燈)

This Lantern Festival(02/12) I went to PingShi with my friends.

Our purpose was --- Released paper Lantern!!!!

A lots people there and paper lanterns in the sky~~ Nice view~

We bought 2 and it cost 300NT. ( 200NT if only bought 1.)

The first one was levitated, although the process was so rough~

The second was unlucky, crashed into the tree.

Anyway, it's my first time to release paper lantern.

Very good experience~~


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