20 December, 2004

What the life I expect

In my third year of university, I hoped I could work on big companies such as Foxconn, ASUS, BenQ in the future.

I wanted to learn lots of professional knowledge & skills.

Six months before graduation, I changed my idea.

Because I wouldn't like this kind of life ------ When I wake up, I work. There are

only two things in my world, Work & Sleep.

I'll like to have more leisure time to do what I like.

For example, I want to learn dance( Hip-Hop, Breaking, Wave, Poping ......), play

electrical keyboard, learn magic, compose lyrics...... and so on. Maybe I won't be

rich in money, but I'll be rich in happiness.

I believe only work on government can own this life. Although this year I failed in government exam, next year I'll get it!!


Now I worked for 6 months, the job is not bad, the salary is good, the company is nearby my home, I get along well with my colleagues, my bosses are good!

Do I have to persist in government job?

I am not sure yet!

Dear Genesislee,
Thanks a lot for your share and congratulate you on you know what you want!
Go for it!
Best Regards
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